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Author: Yakima

No Lodge? No Problem

In a year where everything looks a little different, being flexible with your approach to winter recreation is key. While the ski resorts will be spinning their lifts, most of the lodges are either closed or operating at an extremely limited capacity. Suddenly, parking lot lunch (and everything else) is taking on a whole new meaning. For some people though, “Lot Life” has always been where it’s at. Arriving at the mountain with a plan, and the right gear, can make any day at the hill feel epic, not to mention a little easier to manage.

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Robin Van Gyn

Dropping In with Robin

Professional athletes are just like normal people, except for, you know, being faster and stronger. So, just like for everyone else, this year has been strange and challenging for those whose lives and livelihoods revolve around getting outside and getting after it.

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Weekend Getaway: Big Bear, CA

Andrew Villablanca is a Los Angeles based outdoors enthusiast. If he isn’t mountain biking, he’s out on an adventure in his truck to explore the Southwest. His 2006 Dodge Ram 2500 is equipped with a Yakima SkyRise HD rooftop tent, SlimShady Awning, and OutPost HD rack.

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Life on the road came to an abrupt stop

Usually, home for us is wherever we park our Slacker Van—a 1988 Mitsubishi Delica that we purchased in 2017. Before the Slacker Van, we lived in a 1988 Ford Festiva. Together, we have been living nomadically for over seven years. Sam is holding strong at 10 years and counting! But, can we truly still call ourselves nomads much longer?

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Meet Scout, and Her Human

It’s a familiar story, but it never gets old. Person gets dog. Person falls in love with dog. Dog becomes catalyst for new experiences. Person begins to catalog those experiences on Instagram and amasses 20,000 followers. OK, that last part is maybe less common. But that’s the general idea behind Peter Kim-Yang, his partner Rose, and their dog Scout’s adventure story.

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Rachel Strait

Meet Rachel Strait

Growing up with a motorcycle racing dad, Rachel Strait didn’t have to go far to discover a love of two-wheeled speed. When she was young, her family followed the race calendar and all participated. After each race, dad would pin their number plates on their travel trailer door and have the kids write down their place, how they did, and their goals for the next race.

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The Backyard and Beyond

As the global pandemic continues to unfold, all our lives have been affected in some way or another. Outdoor lovers everywhere have been forced to rethink how they can work, play, and otherwise safely embrace the activities they normally seek out. It’s especially hard for parents, with many states officially closing schools for the rest of the academic year, forcing families to embrace new routines and adjust plans.

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Jean-Marie Bousquet

Chrome Steelhead: Love at First Swing

Jean-Marie enjoys adventuring with her partner Dave and their pup Benson. On a winter fishing trip to Oregon and Washington, she came face to face with the hard-to-catch steelhead. Read on for more from Jean-Marie about her trip and how she caught her first fly-rod steelhead.

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Kayla Lockhart

Meet Kayla Lockhart

For as long as she can remember, Kayla Lockhart has always been drawn to the water. Born and raised in Minnesota, she was the only one of seven sisters to gravitate towards the hunting and fishing her dad loved.

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