It’s a familiar story, but it never gets old. Person gets dog. Person falls in love with dog. Dog becomes catalyst for new experiences. Person begins to catalog those experiences on Instagram and amasses 20,000 followers. OK, that last part is maybe less common. But that’s the general idea behind Peter Kim-Yang, his partner Rose, and their dog Scout’s adventure story. “We’re just normal people who love to get outside with our dog,” says Peter, “Our channel grew from us wanting to document Scout’s life, which sort of transformed into documenting the things we do with her.” That documentation has created a large following and opened the door to new ways of getting outside.
At first, the puppy-based playtime started small, with the usual excursions—trips to nearby parks, trails, and beaches (they do live in California after all). As their taste for the outdoors grew, so did their range for exploration. “When we first got Scout, we weren’t that into camping really. We just focused on outings around the city,” says Peter, “But that evolved into a desire to explore more and stay out longer.”


Living a road-trip life isn’t a full-time thing for this family. “We’re just normal people who want to get out and explore,” says Peter, “We have jobs and lives that we need to attend to, but we do our best to get out when we can.” But when the weekend comes and it’s time to roll, Peter does have a routine to help things go smoothly.
“Scout is good at car rides, which is lucky for us, but we prepare,” he says. He recommends having a ‘Go Bag’ stoked with essential items: toys, food, water, a bed, and any special treats your pet loves. He also stresses the importance of doing research on your destination, “Dogs are often allowed to be off-leash on BLM lands, but not always,” says Peter, “Make sure you look into the specific rules and regulations for where you’re going. Always practice Leave No Trace methods when camping and exploring and try to leave places better than you found them. And right now: be safe—practice social distancing and wear a mask.”

As we all navigate the challenges of the pandemic, the need for fresh air and fresh vistas feels more important than ever. For Peter, Rose and Scout, that’s meant spending more time thinking about how to explore responsibly. “At the beginning of the pandemic situation, we were committed to staying home. It was hard, but it felt like the right thing to do,” says Peter, “As the scenario has unfolded, we’ve started to get out more, and range further afield. BLM camping allows us to keep pretty apart, in terms of other people.”
But as any outdoor lover knows, we’re all sharing a precious resource. “Now, more and more people are seeking the same experiences outside, so we’re adjusting and trying to be mindful of that,” adds Peter, “We want to be safe, and respect all the rules, but we want to get out and enjoy nature. I would encourage people to do their research on where they are going, and to be safe. Oh, and one last thing: Paper maps! A GPS device is great but having something that doesn’t rely on batteries is always a good idea.” Even in the most challenging times, the recipe for something good remains simple. In this case, it’s a dog, a map and few days off.