pack it up, pack it in
It’s summer – You’re ready for that perfect road trip you have planned. Your packing list is long and as it grows your car seems to be shrinking. Overpacking + small cars is a never-ending story we hear at Yakima. Our products are designed to help you take it easy. So, let’s dive into some essential packing tips for summer road trips.
The Duffle Bags – You should probably bring some clothes. It’s 2023, we all have smart devices available with ways of checking the weather forecast. Pack according to the climate you’ll be in and what the weather is calling for. Fill the duffle bags with what you need and maybe pack an extra with some clothes you wouldn’t expect to need. Where will all this go you ask? Well, with all passenger seats occupied, and a furry friend in the back, let’s move outside the vehicle. A rooftop cargo box is an excellent choice. With sizing from 12 cubic feet up to 21 cubic feet, our Skybox series has room for it all. Load up your duffle bags and make space in the car. We suggest our Skybox NX 18, giving you the most premium features and hauls gear for up to 4 people.

The Bikes – You’re planning a bike trip. You need room for your duffle bags (see cargo box on roof) and now you have bike gear AND bikes. Things are getting cramped, or so you thought. In walks EXO… a swing-out hitch rack that can do it all. Starting with an EXO SwingBase, we can build the system that fits your needs. Put your bikes on the TopShelf with DoubleUp and your gear safely below in the GearLocker. With all the bike gear safely secured on the back, and your duffle bags up top, you’ll have all the room you and the family need inside the vehicle to enjoy your road trip.
Boats and SUPS – less bikes more water? No Problem. Whether it’s SUPS, surf, or boats we have a rooftop solution for you. Our Jaylow lets you carry up to two boats, get a pair of JayLows and now you’re up to 4 boats! For SUPS and surf, swap out the JayLow for the SupDawg. With the boats on the roof, your gear needs to live on the back. EXO again to the rescue. Double your gear storage with a GearLocker on top and bottom. One for duffle bags and one for water gear.
Meal Pit Stop – The day has come, and you’re on the road. Stress level is at an all-time low knowing your family is comfortable and your gear is safe. Cruising along, your family starts to get a little hangry. Your stomach drops and your heart skips a beat as a small tear rolls down your cheek at the thought of having to stop and pay for expensive unhealthy roadside food. Flashback to reality – you read this whole blog before you left and prepared for this moment. A huge smile is on your face as you pull over to a beautiful picnic area, unload your EXO OpenRange, swing out your MajorShady, and start making a delicious healthy lunch for the family.
Whether your trip calls for extra toys, or just a simple set of clothes, Yakima has the solution you need for extra space when packing